Marina Celeste

Marina Celeste is a song writer and singer merely famous for singing with Marc Collin's project NOUVELLE VAGUE. She is the author of different solos albums : "Acidulé", "The Angel Pop" & she is preparing a newproject for next year.

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Covers & Experiences

Marina starts a new Collaboration with the great producor ANDREI SAMSONOV, a very famous producor in Russia. "IN YOUR HANDS" Andrei Samsonov, album Incredible Tombe La Neige Originally Performed by Salavator Adamo Gorecki

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L'Astral Conte Musical - fairyland

L'Astral est un conte musical, une histoire feerique pour les plus de 4 ans et tout public avec : des maximes des chansons des animaux du zodiaque chinois des enigmes a resoudre des creatures magiques des maisons chinoises L'HISTOIRE : Deux jeunes

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Germany News

CD de la semaine sur Funkhauseuropa! Cd of the Week! Great News

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Valentines day

Hello, a cool loving by ask me a favor... I'll do it of course, it was so lovely... read more under this... Le 13 févr. 2011 à 00:04, Ilunga Kalala a écrit : Hi Dear Marina, So a fabulous young woman I've just met loves your music. She recently told

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CAMLY RECORDS Le label de Marina Céleste propose une formule d’investissement musical sur les créations d'albums à sortir l'année prochaine. - Misez sur Le BÉNÉFICE MUSICAL « JACKPOT » Vous investissez puis vous touchez une part de bénéfices de

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Note de Bruno Ralle, réalisateur

. THE ANGEL POP EN STUDIO NOTE DE MONSIEUR B, RÉALISATEUR Les acteurs de ce projet se sont rencontrés autour d’un personnage emblématique, Marina Céleste, véritable comète entrainant dans sa suite, tous les musiciens qu’elle croise, séduits par sa

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Voyager pour chanter? travel for singing? HAPPINESS

I just came back from Moscva! It was wonderfull to be invited to sing for russian people... I'm singing better and better and the new songs are so stronger than what I've never done before! De retour de Moscou, bouleversée, fatiguée et heureuse,

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"Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny" "Les raisonnables ont

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Last 11th december

I tell you more about the gig in Utrecht last week : I was playing friday, last friday, at Ekko - in Utrecht a city, clothed to Amsterdam- a small and nice venue, around 300 capacity...It was full, it was great... it was good, a good gig. Our feeling

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The Angel Pop en studio | Comments: 10

Hi everybody! we are working at the studio, recording a new duet with Terry Hall... Magic... Encore un mois de travail et tous les titres seront prets :) !! Toute l'equipe est impatiente... Magique. Magical.

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Marina Celeste in Brighton | Comments: 10

I want to thank my British fans who have been a great support and a great audience since the beginning of this gigs this summer 2009. We are coming back in 2010 for a tour in UK! love you all Marina

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